Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Start

So, just a brief post here about how I got into this amazing year!

It all started after a presentation at my Sixth Form showing you about what Project Trust is and how to get involved (for more information I recommend visiting their site). 

First step was Selection; selection is all about learning in more detail what Project Trust does and what your options are. This week is vital, straight away you're thrown into situations most young people are not used to; travelling alone, staying with a  host family and being on a pretty remote island, Coll. It really makes you realise how different a year overseas would be, and helps you understand whether you think you're capable of it. 

My Selection Group in the Community Centre

I'm not going to give away too much about Selection, afterall I know us youngsters enjoy snooping for more and more info-just wait for the surprise of it! 

A week or so afterwards I was contacted saying I would be going to Peru, Honduras or Chile (Peru the most likely destination) and that I was to begin my fundraising of £5900! 

On to Fundraising...

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