Sunday, June 21, 2015

My Fundraising

To really see all my details of fundraising I would visit my facebook page which I updated constantly throughout fundraising. This post however is more of a capsule of all my fundraising I did to make my £5900!

November £231
GirlGuiding Coffee Evening
Cake Sales Began

December £997.94
Coffee Morning
Bag Packing
My 1st Trust Cheque
Midlands Scooter Centre Donation

February £613.66
Table Top Sale
Selling Items Online

March £1481.60
Andy's Fish Bar Donation
Craft Fair
Bungee Jump

April £1739.46
Non Uniform Day
Bag Packing
Ska Night
Fashion Show

May & June £655.38
Music Festival
Royal Ascot Trip
Just Giving Donations

Overall in cake sales I raised: £565!
Big Thank You to the kids of Friesland School!!

As this post has been a bit boring have fun watching me jump out of a crane like a crazy woman: 

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