Friday, September 25, 2015

Tallarines Verdes

1 bag Spinach
3 slices Soft Cheese
Vegetable oil

Cook the spaghetti in water with bay leaves.

Boil the spinach in water

Blend the spinach with vegetable oil

Add 2-3 slices of cheese  and a teaspoon of salt, continue to blend. 

Add a small bit of oil into a big pan

Add in the mixture into the pan and stir continuously until hot, then remove from the heat

Add 1 tbsp salt to the mixture and mix well.

Add the spaghetti to the mixture and mix in well until the spaghetti is fully covered.


Eat like a true Peruvian  and have this as a side to Lomo Saltado, or just have it as a main!

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